

*All services are currently virtual

Couples attend counselling for a variety of reasons. At the time they seek therapy, couples often feel a sense of confusion, hopelessness, and despair. I am here to hold the hope for you that things can get better. We will collaboratively put a plan in place to address your concerns and set goals to get your relationship back to a place of connection, trust, safety, passion, and joy.


Couples come to see me for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Relationship Transitions- moving in together, getting engaged, the journey to parenthood, etc. 

  • Challenges juggling the responsibilities of parenting & still finding ways to be connected in your marriage

  • Feeling as if you are having the same argument over and over again

  • Wanting to learn how to speak so your partner will actually understand you and listen so you can actually understand your partner

  • Sex & Intimacy challenges

  • Challenges aligning values and goals related to finances

  • The impacts of mental health and addiction on the relationship

  • Division of Labour- a fancy way of saying who does what chores and tasks around the house (and outside of it)

  • Trust issues

  • Attachment wounds

  • And many more

Interested in learning more about my specialties and how I can help you?

Ready to take the first step towards a more connected and fulfilling relationship?



*All services are currently virtual

People often come to see me for relationship issues. This may mean they are dating, currently in a relationship, or going through a separation. You may find yourself repeatedly choosing the same type of partner with incompatible characteristics, trying to move forwards while still carrying hurt from the past, or simply trying to identify what is really important to yourself in a partnership. Or, you may have found the right person, but are aware of patterns in the relationship that need to be addressed. Or maybe you are interested in exploring the topic of relationships with friends, family, or colleagues. 


You may benefit from working with me if you are experiencing:

  • Relationship issues, such as having similar patterns of conflict over and over again

  • Difficulty adjusting to and coping with parenthood

  • Trouble setting and maintaining boundaries with your partner, friends, at work, etc.

  • Difficulty managing your emotions

  • Worry and stress that is impacting your ability to enjoy your life

  • Parenting challenges

  • A desire to reach your full potential and focus on personal growth

  • A desire to communicate more effectively

Interested in learning more about my specialties and how I can help you?

If you are ready to gain insight into your own patterns in relationships, learn new skills, see new perspectives, and experience more ease, connection, and confidence in your everyday life, book an appointment to get started today.

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Right now all services are being offered online using a secure platform. I offer both video and phone counselling appointments.

I take your privacy seriously and have ensured all standards are compliant with the BC Personal Information & Privacy Act.

Have more questions about how virtual counselling works?


Benefits of Virtual Counselling:

  • Decreased exposure and risk during the current pandemic

  • No commute to and from appointments means more free time for you in your busy schedule

  • No more paying for parking

  • No need for a babysitter for busy parents- put the kids to bed, schedule during nap times, or tell them to play quietly while the parents have a meeting

  • Enjoy the comforts of home- Enjoy your favourite tea, wear your slippers- whatever helps you feel comfortable in the session

  • Increased confidentiality in the privacy of your own home

Interested in learning more about my specialties and how I can help you?

If you are ready to make changes in your life, book an appointment to get started today.