Autumn Garnett Autumn Garnett

The #1 Sex Question Asked In A Therapist’s Office

Sex is one of the most common reasons couples come to therapy. It makes sense, since it is one of the main ways we maintain intimacy and connection with our romantic partner. It is also a topic that is often laced with shame, isolation, expectations, and stigma. But regardless of the sexual problems that the relationship is experiencing, all couples seem to have the same question: Are we having enough sex? I want to share the research-backed answer with you so you can start enjoying more pleasure and less stress, today!

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Autumn Garnett Autumn Garnett

Will Your Relationship Really Change After Having Kids?

There are lots of unsolicited messages when you decide to have kids. “Your life will never be the same again,” they say. But what does that actually mean? Does it really change? As a mom of two and a psychotherapist who speaks to couples everyday on the other side of having kids I can confidently say, yes. Your relationship changes after having kids. But, I want you to understand one very important thing- it’s not always for the worse, and I will arm you with resources and tools to help you when it is.

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Autumn Garnett Autumn Garnett

How To Talk To Your Partner About Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

Becoming a mom was a challenging transition for me, but becoming a mom of two really took a toll on my mental health. It took me a bit to realize that what I was experiencing was more than just the stress of having two tiny humans, but once I did I knew I couldn’t keep going without some help. Looking back, one of the hardest parts of admitting I was struggling with postpartum depression was saying those words out loud to my partner. Call it pride, call it stubborn determination to white knuckle my way through all of life’s challenges, call it shame, but I was resistant and downright scared to say the words. But once I did, I was able to access the support I needed.

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Autumn Garnett Autumn Garnett

12 Reasons Couples Go To Therapy

Many couples are resistant to trying therapy. There is a misconception that if you require couples therapy then you must have a relationship that isn’t worth saving. But the reality is, no relationship is perfect. Every relationship is made up of imperfect individuals who are growing and learning. To embark on couples counselling is to say “I want to learn and grow together. Even if things feel difficult now, I believe we can get through this- and come out stronger than ever.”

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Autumn Garnett Autumn Garnett

3 Reasons You Should Set Intentions As A Couple This Year- And How To Do It

While setting traditional New Year’s Eve Resolutions is perfectly fine, there is another option that can yield even greater results but is often overlooked-. setting New Year’s intentions as a couple. This might include personal goals where you enlist your partner to support you. Or, it might include hopes for your relationship, such as a desire to spend more quality time together, prioritize sexual intimacy, build more intellectual connection, or gain the skills to have healthier conflict and repair. Whatever the aim, I hope this article will inspire you to set intentions with your partner so you can enjoy a deeper, more connected, and more intentional relationship. 

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Autumn Garnett Autumn Garnett

3 Date Ideas When You Don't Have A Babysitter

Dating your spouse after becoming parents is definitely an adjustment. Before kids, my partner and I loved to go out on creative date nights. We were always hunting for the best comedy show, great concerts, and trivia nights at a local pub. But all this changed when we became parents. For a while, we gave up on dates all together. We accepted that this season of life just isn’t about romantic nights out together and more about surviving sleep deprivation and the endless piles of laundry. However, we soon realized that prioritizing connection in our relationship was important, whether or not we could actually leave the house.

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